Our 7 member Canadian SCAW team was up and ready to board the bus at 6:30 this morning, ready to do a ”double distribution” today.  That means that 500 bedkits are given out in the morning and 500 bedkits given out at a different site to 500 more children in the afternoon.  It’s a challenging task but one which means we can maximize our time in a region and know that an amazing 1000 children will be having a good night’s sleep tonight. 

It was a 3 hour drive to our first bedkit distribution site and when we got there, we were greeted by crowds of parents singing and clapping for us, even a few dancers in the crowd.  The 500 children selected to receive their bedkit in the morning were already in their new shorts and t-shirts or dresses, singing a joyful and boisterous song of thanks to us.

We were  greeted similarly in the afternoon with the addition of posters held up by the kids.

Parents with tears in their eyes, some doing “happy dances” were seen amidst all the hundreds of smiles surrounding us when children received their bedkits and returned to their patiently waiting parents.

I even got a special wink from one little girl as I lined her up to get her picture taken and then went to pick up her bedkit.  Another child did a formal bow  as he moved on.  It’s moments like these and the opportunity to make a real difference that makes SCAW the incredible charity that it is.

Team Uganda
Inner Wheel of Kampala 🇺🇬 and SCAW 🇨🇦
