Today, six energetic and committed Rotaractors from the Rotaract Club of Tegucigalpa participated in the SCAW distribution at Camara Junior School. This Rotaract Club has a 30+ year history of service in Honduras. Today, club members are either attending or have recently completed University.

When asked their stand-out moments from today's distribution, they responded:

  • One little girl gave me such a big hug and squeeze when they received a bed kit.

  • I was able to recognize the unique characters in the students by their facial expressions and poses they wanted to do for the camera.

  • I had a great conversation with Masud, a SCAW member handing the bed kits to the little ones.

  • Moving the bed kits from one location to another was a fun activity and I enjoyed the work.

  • We had an opportunity to make a connection and interact with the students who were receiving a bed kit.

  • The smallest children were so cute and funny as they tried to hold the bed kit on their way out of the school compound (see photo below).

The Rotaract Club has been involved in three more projects this year:

  1. "Help us Educate" distributes school supplies to students in grades one - four throughout Honduras.

  2. In southern Honduras (Marcovia, Isla Boca del Rio Vigo) they have been providing clothing and shoes, and assisting with infant care and health.

  3. They are participating in a safe baby turtle release program.

These six Rotaractors and others scheduled to attend, will participate in the eight SCAW distributions providing volunteer assistance. Today their service was outstanding!

Thank you for making the day a success and helping children get a good night's sleep.

Team Honduras 2023

Rotary Club of Tegucigalpa 🇭🇳 + SCAW 🇨🇦
