A very rough road took us to our distribution today. The skies opened up on our arrival, just after our first set-up. We quickly moved the parents’ meeting inside a classroom and it worked out quite well.

After our second set up we were ready to go but fortunately we found a covered verandah area for the photos as the rain continued on and off.

Our sheltered area was only available until 12:30 when all the children would be fed so we did not waste any time. The Upendo/SCAW efficient teamwork prevailed and we finished at 12:29!

Wendy and Benjamin had arranged a home visit for us at Rashid’s house. He was thrilled to receive a bedkit today. His grandmother and mother gave permission for us to take photos to show everyone where they lived.
Rashid’s new bedkit will allow him to sleep alone on his own mattress.

It is humbling to visit these communities and drive on their roads.

Another successful and uplifting day and 750 children are sleeping peacefully tonight.

Lala Salama,
Team Tanzania 2023
Upendo🇹🇿+SCAW 🇨🇦

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